The member of parliament for kumbungu calls for the inclusion of breast cancer treatment under the national health insurance scheme tomake affordable to the poor. The call was made during a durbar held at Tibung in the kumbungu constituency. The event was organized by member of parliament in collaboration with NORSAC, a local NGO based in Tamale, to educate women from his constituency on breast cancer awareness. Participants were later screened by health experts.
The member of parliament, Prof Hamza Adam reiterated the call on the government and relevant stakeholders to absorb the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer under the National Health Insurance Scheme, as its one of the leading cancers worldwide. He said:
“It’s naturally not by their making that women suffer most from this fatal disease. I therefore want to take advantage of this event to appeal to government to consider absorbing breast cancer diagnosis and full treatment under national health insurance scheme. The reason is that the treatment is very expensive and the poor and vulnerable women can’t afford it”
A representative from NORSAC Ms Blessillah Na-Afoe Kandoh called on the women to prioritise their health care, and have regular checkup on their breast health since early detection of the disease can help to save the lives of affected persons. Ms Kandoh also appealed to government to make diagnosis centers easily accessible to the public.
The assembly member of the Tibung community, who represented the chiefs and elders thanked the MP and Norsac for supporting the community.